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Aug 16 Update
Along with many other exciting updates and fixes to the website, Kingdom 3D is now offering competitive courier shipping rates to all of Australia.
- Courier Account
Providing better shipping rates for our loyal customers has been on our mind for some time. Last week we signed up for a courier account with Fastway. This translates into less time and money spent on getting your order to the post office and also means big savings for you.
Some examples:
Two spools used to cost $17.10 to post—our new rate is just $13.40!
Ten spools used to cost $64.70—now only $29.95
To get rates for your order qty please check out the brand new shipping calculator.
- Shipping Calculator
We can't stand websites that flash great product prices in front of your face and all the while they conceal some overpriced shipping in the background. As such, we've come up with way to implement a shipping calculator right from the cart page. Just add the products to your cart, go there and click calculate... it's that easy!
- Search Bar
The search bar in the top right of the desktop site, and in the mobile menu now has a responsive function to give you suggestions before you even finish typing.
By default it will search the title and description for your words and display the results in order of relevance. But you can also specify your search by using terms like "title:esun 1.75mm pla"
Hopefully this simplifies and enhances your browsing experience.
- Random Info Bar
While simple, we hope it's fun...
If you are very attentive you may have noticed the changing quote in the top left of your browser.
In this area we will tell you some random things about 3d printing, as well as info about Kingdom 3D.
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